Yes I want to support
Jacob’s Well!
- Give by mail: Send donations to:
Jacob’s Well, P.O. Box 111289 Memphis, TN 38111 - Shop: UMC Market
- Give in person at Jacob’s Well: We practice no-touch giving.
- Give by mail: Send donations to:
Your gift is going to impact the homeless and disenfranchised in Memphis. It is a hand up and an invitation to share in the love of God for our people and our community.
We can’t do what we do and minister the way we do, without your financial support!
“A gift from the heart…for God loves a cheerful giver”
2 Corinthians 9:7
Other Donations:
Hygine Supplies Needed: Small bars of soap, toothpaste, shampoos, single sealed toothbrushes, deodorants, and Band-Aids. We recommend Dollar Tree.
Packable Food Items: Vienna sausages, vacuum pack chicken or tuna, single-serve boxes of cereal, Granola bars, fruit cups, mini bottles of water, hand wipes, and plastic spoons.
We provide a wholesome dinner in a welcoming environment every Saturday, for all who come to the Saturday Night Experience. If you would like to help, we welcome families, churches, organizations, and businesses who want to provide a meal.
You can bring your donations on Fridays and Saturdays between 5:00 PM and 6:PM to 204 North Second St, Memphis TN 39105. Or you can call us at 901-209-1168 to leave a message and we will call you back and arrange how will receive your donation.
For clothing drop-off: please call Tom Edwards in advance at 901-417-2597, as we have specific needs and times we coordinate.
Clothing: packaged underwear/socks, insect repellent (warm months), hand warmers (winter), mens clothes of all sizes, select women’s items.
You may also leave us a message on our contact form.
Donate to help the disinfranchised of Memphis.
Donate to help the disinfranchised of Memphis.
As we demonstrate the grace of God as described by Jesus in Matthew 25, verses 34 to 40, we welcome those who have a passion to effectively help us as we share the love and grace of God to our hurting and troubled friends in the Street Community.
- Provide Meals
- Provide access to hygiene
- Show the love of God to the underserved